Friday 12 August 2011


I have found praise and worship to be a wonderful way to enter into the presence of the Lord, even when I am on my own.

One morning, playing praise and worship songs as part of my quiet time before the Lord, I found myself playing a 'new chord' in one of the old melodies that I have played for years. I wondered why suddenly this 'new chord' found its way into this tune...

Then I wondered why I was surprised that it should have... Has the Lord not taught me that there is always some small measure of growth in one area or another after I have weathered a crisis or endured some trial in my life? Something small, yet new to enhance whatever talents the Lord had seen fit to give me? Some form of spiritual growth, I am sure, is gained from every trauma or crisis weathered by anyone - we are just not always aware enough to look out for it...

That same afternoon a friend phoned from Bela Bela, and we discussed a crisis which she had experienced at the time. A sickness in her body of which she had become aware some months before, which had caused her great distress, and has necessitated a number of adjustments to her lifestyle.

She was telling me of a conversation between herself and another friend who told her that any individual's pain belongs to that individual only. A cross to bear - and to adjust to. She further stated that she was told that if you accept it, embrace it, own it, and deal with it joyfully and with patience and endurance, you would grow richer spiritually and draw closer to God.

Verbal confirmation for exactly what I had experienced.

Of course, we are not denying God's ability to change our adverse situations, or denying that He is able and willing to heal our bodies. We are also not denying that our loads are made the easier to bear through the prayers and love of family and friends - we are simply acknowledging that adversities, if allowed, can prove to be positive catalists for spiritual growth in the afflicted person.

There are certain experiences that others cannot undergo on our behalf, no matter how much they love or care for us. Giving birth, suffering a disease, writing an exam, dying... to mention but a few. We have to accept it, embrace it, own it, and deal with it. BUT, God is ALWAYS with us in all that we may experience and therefore we truly are not alone - ever.

             "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those
              who are the called according to His purpose." Rom. 8:28

Thank You, Lord, that we may be drawn closer to You and grow in spirit and truth, even through our very adversities.

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