Sunday 31 July 2011


Is the translated title of a book by Rev. Leon Oosthuizen.

This book was lent to me by a friend and neighbour some 18 months ago.

I felt uplifted and inspired by the reading thereof and phoned the publishers to find out the current address of the author. I wrote a short letter thanking him for his inspired message of hope.

A couple of months later, one Sunday afternoon, I was sitting at a show-house on behalf of a friend, when a lovely vibrant lady walked in to view the house. She emanated energy and an inner beauty. I felt drawn to her as if I had some kind of kinship with her, and it turned out that we shared a name and that she loved arranging and working with flowers, something I also enjoy.

She obviously enjoyed the feel of the house and lingered for some time. We chatted and agreed that my friend would telephone her the next day to make the necessary arrangements for her husband to also view the property.

However, just before time to lock up and go, she returned with her husband. Again, I was aware of an immediate affinity with her husband and after he had viewed the property, and my friend arrived, the two of us had opportunity to converse. It turned out that he was in fact the author of "Hoop het vleuels"!

This man of God has indeed experienced tremendous physical challenges. Challenges that brought immense changes to their lives and circumstances. Changes that would have Job tearing his clothes and covering his head with ashes... Yet, in my spirit I sensed that God was willing and waiting to use even these changes to enlarge the ministry of this man of God to an extent that he may not as yet envisage.

            "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared
             with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Rom. 8:18

             "For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through
              Christ." 2 Cor. 1:5

Even with the writing of his first book, he had reached many people like myself, who never heard him speak and probably never would have. Who is to say what God intends in the future?

I am reminded of Paul, who being under house arrest in Rome, wrote epistles to the various congregations and churches throughout the then known world, which epistles are still reaching and changing the lives of people around the globe today.

              "For it is fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in
               bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through
               sufferings. For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all
               of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying:

                        'I will declare Your name to My brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will
                        sing praise to You.'

                And again:

                        'Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.' " Heb. 2:10-13

Thank You, Lord, that even though we may want to choose a different path to bring glory to Your name, You often use our challenges and suffering to bring us to that one quiet place where You can have complete control of our time, our gifts and our attention so that we may be used to Your honour and glory.

Saturday 30 July 2011


A member of our congregation, a mother and wife, is in hospital recuperating after a hip replacement operation.

In to-day's world, with modern technology, techniques and medical expertise, this in itself is not amazing or an extraordinary feat.

However, what is amazing is this woman's faith in and love for God and her continued spiritual strength and courage. Her diabetes is so severe that her kidneys are no longer functioning at all - she undergoes dialysis three times a week. Because of this malfunction of the kidneys and the medication and treatment, her arteries are hardening and calcifying to the extent that stents have been permanently implanted into veins in her upper left arm to allow for the dialysis and intravenous medication to be administered when necessary. This has caused her left arm to be twice the circumference of her right arm.

She is extremely thin.

Her eyesight is severly impaired.

For almost two years she has been unable to walk and has been cloistered either to her bed or a wheelchair.

Her thyroid gland has been affected by the disease and the subsequent treatment and is not functioning properly.

Her muscles and neurological system have suffered considerable damage. She needs assistance to bath and dress.

She fell during December last year and X-rays showed that her hip was cracked. Having been in pain ever since, she was X-rayed again last week and the shocking news was that her hip was, in fact, fractured and that she required a full hip replacement.

Her doctor advised her that the surgeons at the hospital were not prepared to operate on her because of the risks involved. They then contacted a professor from a training hospital, who during an interview told her that he was prepared to operate, but explained to her the very real risk to her life if the operation is performed.

She replied that God being God, He could do whatever He wished with her - if she died, she would have a glorified body which would be better still than having a hip replaced in the old one!

            "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable."
             1 Cor. 15:19

Her continuous testimony to all around her about the love and goodness of God, and her godly ways and attitude strengthens every person who comes into contact with her.

When you visit to encourage her, you come away encouraged.

God in continuously being glorified in and through her life and testimony!  When I speak with her I am reminded of the title of a book "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas à Kempis.

             "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His
              Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethern. Rom. 8:29

We heard this morning that the operation was a success and that she was being moved ffrom ICU to a general ward today.

God is good - all the time - and all the time God is good. Praise His name.

                "But we have this treasure in earthern vessels, that the excellence of the power
                 may be of God and not of us. We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed,
                 we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, 
                 but not destroyed - always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus,
                 that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is
                 working in us, but life in you. And since we have the same spirit of faith according
                  to what is written "I believed and therefore spoke" we also believe and therefore
                 speak." 2 Cor. 4:7-13

Thank You, Lord, for living testimonies to Your goodness and power and grace. Thank you that You are capable of keeping and nurturing life, when we cannot see tomorrow for the troubles of today. Thank You for strength for every day.

Friday 29 July 2011


One Monday evening as we were closing with prayer after an evangelical outreach information meeting at the onset of the year, my cell phone rang. I had forgotten to switch it off. After prayer I checked and the missed call was from my mother, who at the time was aged 86. She and my stepfather, aged 89 at the time, were still living in their own home, doing all their own housework and gardening.

She was distressed as my stepfather had taken ill, and asked that I go there immediately, which of course, I did.

Arriving at their home, I found him seated next to the kitchen table where they had been having their devotional time after the 7 pm news. My mom said that he became agitated whilst she was praying and when she opened her eyes, he was unconscious. He was in and out of consciousness after I arrived, unable to speak, body stiff as an ironing board, unable to move, and his breathing was laboured and irregular.

I have been in the presence of several people at their demise, and I thought that he was on his way home.

I telephoned for an ambulance, then telephoned the medical aid client service line for authorization for the ambulance, as I was accountable to my stepdad's childen for my actions, after which mom and I laid hands on him and prayed for him. I asked the Lord for an immediate miracle in the name of Jesus.

By the time the ambulance arrived some 45 minutes later, he was conscious, moving his arms and legs and although still very confused, was at least responding to questions. We were able to get him to walk to the ambulance supporting him on both sides, prompting and helping him to move his feet from time to time!

The extent of his recovery during this time was indeed a miracle, especially when his age is taken into account.

A week later he was up and about again, laughing and joking.

God is indeed a good God.

            "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified
             in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."  John 14:13-14

Thank You, Lord, for modern technology which enables us to communicate with one another promptly in crises situations. And thank you also, Lord that we do not need modern technology to communicate with You during a crisis and that You are indeed more prompt in responding than even the ambulance or health services!

Thursday 28 July 2011


Sarah bears a child at the ripe old age of 90, and calls him Isaac, which means "laughter" for, she said,

            "God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me." Gen. 21:6

Ninety years old and barren all her married life - and now a child, a son. She had reason to laugh; to be glad and full of joy, just as we have reason to be glad, laugh and be full of joy because of all the blessings that we receive from God's hands.

There is a saying: "Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone." I wonder if it has its origin in Sarah's words.

It is very true. This event is recalled in many sermons, by many different preachers from many different denominations, in different countries. After all, is it not a miracle that Sarah could have conceived a child at age 90, with her husband, Abraham, 100 years old?

This child was indeed a miracle; and it is a miracle which God performed more than once throughout Scripture.

Think of Hannah, whom god granted a son, Samuel;
think of the woman accommodating Elisha, whom God granted a son;
think of Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother, who was granted a son.

It would seem as if God has a soft spot for childless mothers, although they certainly were not all 90 years old!

I recall, many years ago having a friend in Durban, who had been married for at least six years and had been unable to conceive. They were visiting Israel, and she was standing in the tomb at the garden grave, when she softly, secretly asked the Lord to answer her prayers for a child. She related how, when stepping over the threshold leaving the tomb, and having to stoop as the door opening is very low, she experienced a very sharp pain in her abdomen... nine months later her only child, a son, who later schooled with my son, was born!

Now Sarah, according to the Bible, was 127 years old when she died, which would have made Abraham 137 years old at the time of her death. And you know there are six other miracles from Scripture that are handly ever noticed or mentioned. After Sarah died, when Abraham was more than 140 years old, he took another wife called Keturah, and she bore him six more children!! Six children after the age of 140 - those certainly should be called miracles as well!

What a wonderful God! Obstacles certainly do not daunt Him - He simply sees no obstacles - because He is God. We, however, often cannot see God over the obstacles in our way.

Thank You, Lord, that we may know that You are bigger than any obstacle that may be in our way, in whatever situation or circumstances. Thank you that we may know that there simply is not a hurdle big enough to present itself as a dificulty to You.

Wednesday 27 July 2011


Soos 'n verflenterde, lankvergete lappop -
     onder jou eie bed ingeprop, of geskop -
          met kledingstukke in jou keel afgedruk en om jou kop gedraai...
               eenkant,    alleen...

Minagtend van jou regte as kind, as mens, ontneem.
Sonder inagneming van ouderdom, ras, kultuur of persoon
is jy prinsessie, brutaal, binne jou ouerhuis onttroon.

Net vier jaartjies oud; jou liggaampie nou grotesk styf en koud:
van jou is geëis die duurste prys te betaal
vir die afgryslike 'eer' om die misdaadstatistiek van die Suid-
Afrikaanse demokrasie te verhaal.

Nkosi 'Sikelele Afrika!

"Diverse volke verenig" ons leuse: die leuen, die tragiek van ons lewe.

Tussen water en elektrisiteit tekort
walm ons alkohol deurdrenkte asems haatspraak
en is die tik van bedwelmde nagtelike ure in rookgevulde 'underground' ons kinders se vermaak.
(Selfs ook diè wat geen tuiste het behalwe die straat)

en ons...

          Ons jaag om uit frustrasie, woede, jaloesie en met frenetiese haas
                 mekaar agteraf te beskinder, te besteel, te bedrieg, te kaap of sommer
                 net 'goedsmoeds' van die gras af te maak!

Rondom ons, dwarsdeur ons wonderskone land,
geprys vir natuur- en politieke wonders - van hoek tot kant
word lewens afgemaai; sterf mense soos vlieë om elke draai,
terwyl polisiemanne berzerk hulself die ewigheid instuur
liewer as om langer die las en stres van die "job" te verduur.
Nog ander wat nie kan oorleef op karige salarispakket (vir die beskerming
van ons burgers, misdaadvoorkoming en handhawing van die wet!)
bestee hul tyd om hul beloning deur afdreiggelde aan te vul en het derhalwe nie
die begeerte of die wil om elke nietige misdaad en  misdaadtoneel deurdag te ondersoek.

Landsburgers se belasting betaal
vir die regte en geleerdheid van die krimineel
in oorvol tronke; hulle wat ons daagliks ons eiendom, eer, veiligheid, en lewens
wyl derduisende kinders van honger of Vigs vergaan en ons kos,
petrolpryse en opvoedkundige isntansies se fooie maandeliks die hoogste pryse
haal - en 'n té klein getal, buite die tronkmure, 'n voldoende opvoeding geniet!

Wyl anargie en loonstakings heers, sit regeringsamptenary, op alle vlakke, sonder
om die nodige dienste te lewer, met bultende sakke vol bonusse en kieste blink-
vet van bedrog in weelde om gelaaide tafels op die 'gravy'-trein en in straler-
tuie vanwaar hulle hulself verdedig as onbekwaam, sonder 'skills', en agterge-
blewe en neem dienooreenkomstig besluite om ons kulturele tradisies, plek- en
straatname, asook ons godsdienstige leer, saam met geregtigheid, wettige huwelike
én ons ongebore babas, te aborteer.

          "Ons sal lewe...
                   Ons vir jou, Suid-Afrika!"

Tuesday 26 July 2011


One morning whilst herding his sheep, David gets a message from his father, Jesse, to go to the battlefield and enquire about his brothers, who were soldiers in Saul's army. He was also to take some food to them.

He duly sets off and when he reaches the battlefield, he leaves his baggage and goes to look for his brothers.

He finds them and hears a man daring the Israelites to "send a man to fight with him". This man, Goliath, the giant, of course, promises that if any Israelite can beat him, then the Philistines will be the slaves of the Israelites.

David also happen to hear that the king, Saul, promised many valuable gifts to the man who could defeat this Goliath.  He sets out to have these promises confirmed by other soldiers and then tells them that he would be prepared to fight this giant.

He gets taken to Saul, who first tries to discourage him from going into battle with the giant, but as Saul has no other volunteer, he agrees that David may go on behalf of the Israelites.

To give David some protection when facing the giant, the king then dresses David in his own armor, a bronze helmet and a coat of mail and gives him his own sword for the fight.

The king's own armor surely represented the highest authority in the land, and his sword wielded the most power in the country.

David, however, had never during all his battles with animals, amongst which were a lion and a bear, which he killed to protect his herd, had any weapons except his bare hands, his sling and stones, and probably a club of some kind, because he says:

             "I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when
              it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it"
              1 Sam. 17: 35

David sets forth to tell the king exactly how he managed to save his herd and how he killed the bear and the lion with the help of his God and that the same God would help him to also kill the giant. Can you imagine this young man, probably a teenager still, in the field, having just killed a lion lying on the ground, probably nursing his wounds, because I cannot imagine a young boy killing a lion without him receiving a blow or two in return, or a mighty scratch of those powerful paws. Anyway, see him lying there, thanking God for his deliverance and laughing with excitement and joy at the momentous victory he has just gained over his enemy.

He proceeds to explain to the king that he would not be able to use the king's armor and sword and I just absolutely adore the reason his gives the king for his decision:

              ""...I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them." So David took them off."
               1 Sam. 17:39 

He had never done anything under the authority of the king. He had never called on his citizenship to enable him to achieve anything. He had never relied on the power and authority of any man. He had only ever relied on his God to help him in every instance and crisis. And he would do so yet again this day...

He would learn in time that no man is to be trusted for even the king, who had promised him his daughter as a bride, failed to honor his word and gave the daughter to someone else as wife!

I am sure before he accepted the challenge, the scenes of his battles in the field flashed through his mind. He saw again as if in technicolour every blow in every fight and the dead bodies of his very powerful enemies lying helpless before him. He strengthened his faith in God remembering just how God had helped and protected him during these fights.

And so strengthened:

            "Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from
             the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling
             was in his hand. and he drew near to the Philistine." 1 Sam. 17:40

He acted on his faith.

The rest of the story we know very well...

If David had not learnt to trust in God in the small crises for the small victories, then he would not have had the faith to trust in God for this the biggest fight of his life.

We should learn from him. We should start asking for God's assistance in the very smallest of things, such even as finding a parking space, and trust Him for something different and bigger each day, so that we may build up our trust to have the necessary faith in Him to deliver us and assist us in the biggest of crises. Then when we do meet the big crisis, we will have confidence to ask God for his help and faith that He will hear and answer and give us the victory.

You see, if you can trust God, then all the devil ever manages with every attack of his, is to give us a new testimony of the help and faithfulness of God!

Thank You, Lord, that You teach us that if we have faith as big as a mustard seed, which is surely one of the smallest seeds on earth, then we will be able to move mountains. Help us to trust you from day to day in every crisis that we may meet. Remind us to look back at what You have already done for us and to build our faith from day to day to trust You even more.

Monday 25 July 2011


Sterile theatre
bright fluorescent lights
team dressed in green; scrubbed clean

silent mother breathing deep
watchful monitors beep
father watches expectantly
atmosphere intense

Scalpel cuts decisively quick
a gash bright red and deep
silent blood drops seep

a head appears
a tiny body is lifted high
a first gusty wail assaults the atmosphere

gratitude untold

another miracle has taken place...
all glory to God!
Our precious baby girl, Jenee, is born!

Friday 22 July 2011


Children often have the gift, or knack, to say just the right thing at the right time to make a huge impact, whereas the same thing said by an adult may not have much meaning, or importance.

I remember some years ago I visited a family with a small toddler, who, if my memory serves me right was probably not even three years old. His parents told me that he loved listening to music, and was particularly fond of the old song: "It is no secret what God can do", written by Stuart Hamblen, and recorded by more than 60 different artists over the years, the chorus of which goes:

"It is no secret what God can do,
what He's done for others,
He will do for you.
With arms wide open He'll pardon you
It is no secret what God can do."

They said that he knew the complete song by heart! I asked the little man to sing it to me, and he proceeded to do just that! I was astounded that such a young boy could remember the words of  such a lengthy song and when he had finished I asked him whether he would be prepared to sing it to the congregation one Sunday. He agreed on condition that  I  carry him up to the pulpit and hold him while he sang it.

I then asked our pastor's permission and on the Sunday morning it was announced that we would now all listen to Sean* singing us this song.

I proudly carried him up the steps to the pulpit and without hesitation he gave a repeat performance to the delight and amazement of all present. AND he even went further than that - immediately after completing the song, he stuck his forefinger out to the congregation and shaking it up and down, he said, "You people must pay attention to what the pastor tells you on Sundays"! Well! He certainly got our attention!

We are never too young or to insignificant to do God's will and to be used by Him.

 In the first book of Samuel, chapter 3, we read how God one night spoke to Samuel, who was then also a very young boy, and gave him a very serious, important message for the priest, Eli, regarding the very lives of Eli and his sons. God did not give it to another priest, or prophet, to bring it to Eli, perhaps because Eli might not have believed the sad message God had spoken. God did not disregard Samuel as an instrument in His hand because he was so young - in fact, because he was still so young, he at first did not realise it was God speaking to him. He thought it was Eli calling him...

Paul in his letter addressed to Timothy says:

             "Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example
              (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity."
              1 Tim. 4:12 - Amplified Bible

We teach our small children all they know, either by our words, or by our actions. Do we teach them to listen for the voice of God in their lives? Do we teach them to love God? To be an instrument in His hand?

Thank You, Lord, that You despise no one because of their youth, but will use even toddlers to Your glory.
Remind us to treat our children with the same respect and wisdom.

*Not his real name.

Wednesday 20 July 2011


Oom Jan en tannie Marinda was broer en suster. Al senior burger status bereik. Hulle het 'n huisie gedeel, of altans, oom Jan het by tannie Marinda in haar huisie op die platteland gewoon.

Die tante het die heerlikste konfyt gekook. Ek onthou eenkeer toe my pa op die dorpie gaan preek het, is ons daar weg met flesse van die heerlikste tamatie-, perske- en druiwekonfyt, asook ingemaakte perskes en pere. Heerlik!

Nou kan ek nie meer so mooi onthou of die tante 'n 'oujongnooi' of weduwee was nie, maar die oom was definitief nooit getroud nie. Hy was 'n lang man, effens geboë, en verstandelik gestremd...wat beteken het dat hy gedurig aandag geverg het... en dit het natuurlik die tante se lewe baie moeilik gemaak.

Dan het hy ook een of twee eienaardighede gehad. As kinders was dit vir ons skreeusnaaks as iemand hom 'n roomys gee, om te sien hoe hy net een happie vat en dan met 'n harde "Sjoe, dit brand!" die roomys gooi dat dit d-a-a-r deur die lug trek!

Kinders kan baie wreed wees...

Hulle was diep gelowige mense en elke Sondag in die kerk, maar dit het altyd 'n spektakel afgegee, want voordat oom Jan enige plek gaan sit het, het hy altyd eers sy spierwit, netjies gevoude sakdoek uit sy broeksak gehaal, en die sitplek oor-en-oor afgestof. Oor en oor. Weer en weer. Dan mik om te gaan sit, dan weer om vlieg om weer van voor af te begin... oor en oor word die sitplek afgevee en dan uiteindelik, op een of ander stadium, sal hy ewe bedees gaan sit en sy onverdeelde aandag toespits op wat voor op die preekstoel gebeur.

O, en trappe klim - dit was nou 'n ander storie. Hy sou die trappies opklim tot bo, omdraai en tot onder klim, 'n oomblikkie staan; omdraai, opklim, weer dieselfde storie... oor en oor, op en af, tot hy later vergeet het of hy van plan was om uit of in te gaan!

Oom Jan het darem altyd sy suster gehelp om die wasgoed op die draad te hang en dit weer af te haal, maar o wee, dit kon partykeer baie lank neem om dit gedoen te kry, want tussen die kombuis en die agterplaas was daar mos vier groen geverfde sement trappies...

Een Maandag het hulle weer die wasgoed na 'n lang gesukkel op die draad gehad. Die wasgoed was egter nog nie droog nie, toe sak daar so 'n ligte reën buitjie uit. Daardie jare het niemand in die land al ooit eers gehoor  van tuimeldroërs of  "Laundromats" nie. Nou ja, nou moes die wasgoed weer af.

Af en op met die trappies, op en af, vyf maal, ses maal, sewe maal ... en toe wasgoedlyne toe. By hierdie tyd het die tante al die wasgoed afgehaal en in een van daardie groot sinkbaddens gelaai en nou wag sy vir oom Jan om die bad aan die eenkant vas te vat, en sy aan die anderkant, dat hulle die wasgoed in die huis kan kry.

Intussen  is albei deurnat gereën.

Uiteindelik het oom Jan die handvatsel in sy hand en stap hulle aan agterdeur toe...natuurlik is daar weer die vier trappies wat eers oorwin moet word. Tant Marinda se geduld is by hierdie tyd ook maar kort, haastig om onderdak en by die kospotte te kom, en oom Jan klim op, draai om, rem af ondertoe, draai om... en toe die oom weer sy voete op die boonste trappie sit, voordat hy weer kan omdraai, gee die tante die bad 'n harde pluk van haar kant af en oom Jan verloor sy balans, en beland binne-in die bad, binne-in die huis!

Stadig, sonder 'n woord, sukkel hy op tot hy weer op sy voete staan, en sê toe: "Ja, vandat die duiwel en die satan saamwerk, doen hulle magtige dinge!"

Monday 18 July 2011


Great excitement and lots of buzzing activity when a wedding is in the 'being arranged' stage.

So many things to attend to : the date to be decided, the blessing of the parents to be obtained, the antenuptial contract to be drafted and signed, the reservations for the hall, the church, the minister, the organist, deciding how big a following the bride and groom will have, who will participate in the procession, the cake to be ordered... the photographer to be chosen, the disc jockey or band to be reserved... the list of possible guests to be drawn up... the invitations to be designed...and mailed...all things to be coordinated.

Don't forget the dresses for the bride and bridesmaids, the flower girls, pageboys, the groom's suit, the outfits for the bestman, the mothers of the bride and groom...all very important. The floral arrangements in the church and reception locale, the bouquets, the program in the church... the rings to be decided on and purchased! Don't forget the caterer's and the menu's!

But a feast is not a feast without guests. Guests are what make a feast spectacular. Guests arriving in their splendid wedding outfits bearing gifts and good wishes. Guests sitting in the pews admiring the beauty and splendor of the bridal procession being witnesses to the sacred event when vows are being exchanged, dreams are realised and the union of two people are solemnised. Guests who will form part of the memories of this beautiful day. Guests who will participate in the feast that follows.

How sad it is when we cannot invite everyone that we would want to due to financial constraints. How disappointing when those who were invited do not accept... And if in your mind and heart you have accepted, but you have not taken the trouble to properly RSVP you will find that when you arrive at the reception, no seat will have been reserved for you; no placement or seating card will bear your name!

The Bible tells the parable of a wedding feast:

           "And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said: "The kingdom
           of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, and sent out
           his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing
           to come. Again, he sent out his servants, saying: "Tell those who are invited, 'See, I
           have prepared my dinner, my oxen and fatted catlle are killed, and all things are
           ready. Come to the wedding.' " But they made light of it and went their ways, one to
           his own farm, another to his business. And the rest seized his serants, treated them
           spitefully, and killed them... Then he said to his servants, "The wedding is ready, but
           those who were invited were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways and as many
           as you find, invite to the wedding. So the servants went out into hte highways and
           gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall
           was filled with guests."

Jesus, becoming flesh, dying on the cross of Calvary and being risen from the dead, was and is our
own personal invitation to the wedding feast of the Lamb in the kingdom of God.

            "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
            believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send
            His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him
            might be saved." John 3:16

Have you decided yet?
Have you RSVP'd?
Is your wedding garment ready?

When you RSVP you are not doing it for anybody's else's benefit but your own... to reserve your place at the wedding. Remember, the bridal couple can always invite someone in your place... and God certainly does not need your RSVP, although He is longing to have you at the feast. He, however, knows the end from the beginning, already knows who will be there and already has a place prepared for each and every guest.

Thank You, Lord, that we are all invited to the wedding feast in Heaven, the invitations have been sent and that the decision whether to accept and RSVP is a personal choice.

Friday 15 July 2011


Salt is such a common, inexpensive condiment, and commodity. Yet in Biblical times it was scarce and a very highly valued commodity. It was offered with all sacrifices. It was a commodity used to barter. It was used when cutting covenants.

What are its uses today?

Well, first and foremost, of course, as a condiment, to give taste to our food. A pinch of salt will give taste to a whole dish and can never be separated from it again.
Then, we also use it as a disinfectant, to clean wounds.
And as a antiseptic to gargle our throats when we have a throat infection.
Also as a substance to stay colours when we dye clothing.
It is also used in the process of developing films.
Salt is used on the road to melt snow.
It is a very important substance in the brain balancing our emotions.

These are just a few of the uses that I am aware of - you may know of many more...

Scripture states:

          "You are the salt of the earth..." Matt. 5:13

Can we be salt as in the uses listed above?

When last did my word give taste to a conversation?
When last did I clean somebody's (emotional) wound?
When last did I melt the snow in someone's heart?
Or brought balance into their lives?
When last have we proferred security in someone's life?
When last have we assisted in developing somebody, our community, our congregation, or the body of Christ?

When we speak of someone as "the salt of the earth" we often times think of a person not very highly regarded, not achieving very much, not part of the 'elite' or upper crust; not highly educated - rather the ordinary person, reflecting the basic good of mankind. Yet, this is what Jesus wants us to be...

Thank You, Lord, that we are never too old to learn; that we may start from this day on to be that which You have destined us to be :  Salt of the earth, with all its many diverse uses, its indispensible value.

Thursday 14 July 2011


I live by myself and, at times, not often, it can be lonely.

One night, the Lord again proved to me that family does not necessarily mean blood relatives. Let me rephrase that. It does not have to mean 'related by human blood'.

We meet at a cell group every second Wednesday evening. We each contribute something to eat, share it, and then we listen to one of the group sharing something from God's Word with us; we share our heartfelt prayer needs, pray for each other, and finish with a song and a prayer before we return home. I went there one particular Wednesday evening knowing that those sensitive to the Holy Spirit witnessed the emotional and spiritual battle I had been fighting for some months before that. I had, however, also felt myself slowly gaining the victory, one small step at a time and knew that I was making headway. Who knows that our battle is a spiritual one, as a wrestling match, and that it is okay to be wrestling as long as the adversary does not pin us down for a count?

Often times, when Satan attacks and tries to destroy us, he in fact only accomplishes giving us a new testimony!

That particular evening, at the cell meeting, my cell group family invited me to sit in what we jokingly call the "hot chair" in the middle of the circle and they laid hands on me and prayed for me.

I experienced such pure unconditional love; such compassion; such fellowship in Christ.

I was surrounded by my family in Christ; those who are bound to me by the blood of Jesus, our Saviour! Joy surged my heart and soul as the warmth of their love and the love of God suffused me, strengthened me, lifted me up.

           "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Gal. 6:2

The knowledge of their support and spiritual protection was as the warmth and comfort of an eiderdown on a very cold evening. Peace was my portion.

            "And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and
            minds through Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:7

Are you part of a cell group? A group of fellow believers who care for one another? If not, find out whether there are such groups in your vicinity - or start one! What a blessing for all concerned!

Thank You, Lord, for our family in Christ. Brothers and sisters through the blood of Jesus, our Lord, who will stand by us, protect us, support us in times of need and discomfort. Thank You for the fellowship of the saints.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


Would you love for God to give you His gifts?

I know I want them.

What are His gifts?

If we look at Rom 12: 6 it specifies:


and if we go further and read 1 Cor. 12: 8-12 we find more:

a word of wisdom
the word of knowledge
gifts of healing
working of miracles
prophesy (note that this one is listed in both the mentioned scriptures)
discerning of spirits
different kinds of tongues
interpretation of tongues.

and it carries on saying:

          "But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one
          individually as He wills.

However, this does not mean that we may not desire to have gifts. In fact, the Word says:

           "But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way."
           1 Cor. 12:31

And then Paul proceeds with the very well-known words of 1 Cor. 13 about love and concludes with the following verse:

            "Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy."
             1 Cor. 14:1

Again prophesy is shown as the most important.

The gifts of the Spirit are given by God.

Now the fruit of the Spirit are not given to us by the Spirit, but they are 'cultivated' by us as a result of us being in a living relationship with Christ.

              "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they
               are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes
               from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit,
               but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad
               tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and
               thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them." Matt. 7: 15-20.

We read in the parable of the sower:

               "But the ones (seeds) that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard
               the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience."
               Luke 8:15 (brackets my insertion)

With patience...

               "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it
               abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you
               are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit... ;
               John 15:4-8

By abiding in Christ, and He in us...

                "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
                 faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law." Gal. 5:22-23

Do you hear an "ouch" or an "eina"?

Yes, we, all of us, each one individually, are to 'bear' or 'grow' these fruits and we can only do so to the measure in which we are willing to "abide in Christ and Christ in us". We need to submit to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God. It depends entirely on each individual's unity and relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit and as we grow in bearing fruit, so shall the gifts be given to us 'as He wills".

Thank You, Lord, for your gifts which You so graciously bestow on us to do Your will. Help us to grow the fruit of the Spirit as a testimony to the unity between God and man, and to the glory of Your name.    

Tuesday 12 July 2011


It stands to reason that, having responded to the love of God and having accepted His free gift of salvation and eternal life through Jesus, we have to be in a relationship with Him in order to become a reliable witness, a friend, and part of the bride of Christ.

When two people become involved in a relationship, during the normal course of events, they will get to know one another, find out as much as possible about each other, daily spend time together, talk, and generally enjoy one another's company. Writing love letters or poems, even love songs, is quite normal during the courtship and as the relationship grows, they will also be spending time with each other's friends and relatives, getting to know and care about them also.

         "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking
          the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one
          another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." Heb. 10: 25.

In time, if they are serious about the relationship and each other, their dreams about becoming engaged - setting themselves apart exclusively for each other - getting married and setting up home together will become reality.

During the time when Jesus walked amongst men in the flesh, the courting customs of the Jewish people were as follow:

The father of the prospective bridegroom, or the prospective bridegroom himself, would identify the maiden of the son's affection. He would then send a friend or relative to speak to the maiden's family on his behalf, making clear his intentions and discussing the price or "lobola" - as it is known in African cultures - to be paid by the bridegroom.

         "In those days John the Baptist came preaching...For this is he who was spoken of by
         the prophet Isaiah, saying: "the voice of one crying in the wilderness; prepare the way
         of the Lord; make His paths straight." Matt. 3:1-3

The son would then visit the bride's family, and they would enjoy a feast and all would drink wine from a communal cup - the cup of betrothal - following which the bridegroom would pay the agreed price determined by the father of the bride.

          "Then He (Jesus) took the cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them,
           and they all drank from it. And He said to them..."This is my blood of the new
           covenant, which is shed for many. Assuredly, I say to you, I will no longer drink
           of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God." "
           Mark 14:23-25

           "And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said: "Father, into Your
            hands I commit My spirit." Having said this, He breathed His last. Luke 23:46

What a price was required to be paid for the bride of Christ! After the price had been paid in full the betrothed bridegroom would return to his father's house.

           "Then Jesus said to them, "I shall be with you a little while longer, and then I go
           to Him who sent Me." John 7:33

           "So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and
           sat down at the right hand of God." Mark 16:19

The reason the bridegroom would return to his father's house was to prepare a home for himself and his bride:

            "In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.
             I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

When the house had been completed, the bridegroom would return to fetch his bride.

            "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to
            Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." John 14:3

But the bridegroom cannot fetch his bride until his father is happy and satisfied that the house is complete and fit for his new bride.

             "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the
              Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32

While the bridegroom is away, the bride prepares herself. She wears a veil, or in modern day culture, an engagement right, so that the world can see that she is already spoken for. This veil is symbolic of the sanctification of the body of Christ on earth.

              "...because it is written: "Be ye holy, for I am holy." " 1 Pet. 1:16

We know that the word 'holy' means 'set apart'.

She is to have a light burning in her room right through the night, every night, so as to be ready when the bridegroom comes. When the bridegroom fetches his bride, he comes during the dark of night and he brings along many of his friends, and they make a big joyful noise to alert the bride and her family that he is on his way and to be ready to meet him halfway.

              "Then they wll see the son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and
              glory. And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from the
              four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven."
              Mark 13:26-27

Jesus Himself tells us beautifully about His return to earth in the parable documented in Matt. 25: 1-13:

               "Then the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their
               lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and
               five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with
               them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the
               bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. "And at midnight a cry
               was heard: "Behold the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!" Then all
               those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise,
               "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out." But the wise answered,
               saying: "No, lest there should not be enough for us and you, but go rather to
               those who sell, and buy for yourselves." And while they went in with him to the
               wedding; and the door was shut. therefore, for you know neither the
               day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."

It is very clear from the Scriptures above that God the Son is very serious about His love affair with us. Now, perhaps some of us we need to ask ourselves some questions:

Have we accepted Christ as our Saviour? Are we in a constant relationship with the Lord? Are we maintaining, nurturing, this relationship? Are we set apart as His bride? Are we ready for the wedding?
Are our lamps burning? Do we have enough oil to see us through to the event?

Thank You, Lord, that you want to enter into a loving, marital relationship with each one of us. Thank You that You warn us and give us time to prepare ourselves to be ready, less we find the door shut in our faces.

Monday 11 July 2011


This morning I had occasion to telephone my house doctor's consulting rooms to ask that he complete a form that my medical aid faxed to his rooms today. I was extremely surprised to learn that the doctor left South Africa on Friday; has, in fact, emigrated to Ireland.

No notice or warning to any of his many regular patients!

Thinking about it after I put the phone down, I had to admit that it was good strategy on his part. None of his patients could seek an alternative medical practitioner before he left, and he kept charging consulting fees, apparently even up to Thursday!

But what if one of his patients had an emergency during the weekend or this morning?

Then I got to thinking that it was indeed a  very good thing that God cannot emigrate anywhere, as He is omnipresent! What if we prayed in a crisis only to have to learn that God is no longer operating in our area, or country?

Of course, He can turn His face away from us anytime, but He is such a magnanimous and gracious God that He only does that when very severely provoked and angered, and even then He hears us when we repent and return to Him.

           "Am I a God near at hand," says the Lord, "and not a God afar off?  Can anyone
           hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?" says the Lord; "Do I not fill
           heaven and earth?" says the Lord." Jeremia 23:23.

The very sobering thought, of course, is that every evil thing or sin that is committed is acted out in the presence of Almighty God! Thought for reflection...

Father God, we are so thankful that You are omnipresent. Help us to remember this at all times and to always act in a manner that will  glorify and please You and not displease or hurt You. Please forgive our past trespasses, our wicked and evil ways and thoughts, and our weaknesses that must cause You much sorrow and anger.

Friday 8 July 2011


In midnight dark
when stars adorn the sky
glinting bright as jewels in Your crown;
in soft reflected light of sun
clouds drifting slowly pass the moon
and my heart soars in worship of You.

When morning filters
thru the black of night gone by
and stars fade in the glory of the sun
when  oceans mirror the brilliant blue of unscrolled skies
then my soul confirms Your majesty anew.

When sun sets majestic
and You paint the canvass vast
with colours of your glory and your grace
I rejoice knowing that Your Word will ever last
and my spirit glories in the beauty that I face.

When  ocean's waves depleted lie
on the sands along the beach
and by Your command retreat to unknown deep
I know no power its borders without Your
consent may exceed, and I cannot else but
before Your restraining power humbly bow.

Thursday 7 July 2011


It is not unusual for anyone to be tempted... it happens on a daily basis... even Christ was tempted:

          "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
          And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Now
          when the tempter came to Him, he said: "If You are the Son of God, command that
          these stones become bread." But He answered and said: "It is written man shall not
          live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 
          Matt. 4: 1-4

Also read the rest of the account to verse 11.

Note that it is the devil that does the tempting - always. But God allows it - we read above that "Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."  Read also Job 1:6-12

Note also that Satan will use our emotional needs, or our lack of finances, or hunger, or greed for power or possessions to tempt us. And he will wait until we are at our most vulnerable. Jesus was led up into the wilderness at the inception of his 40-day fast, but Satan did not tempt him before or during the fast; no, he waited until after the fast, when He had become hungry.

Note further that he will even quote Scripture at you in his attempts to seduce you.

What I learnt, by trial and error, is that we need be knowledgeable regarding the Scriptures too so that we may make use of the two-edged sword to ward him off!

And we had better very carefully consider the consequences of succumbing to temptation. In most cases failure to withstand a temptation will not only harm your own life, but will have far-reaching effects on your testimony, the greater work of God, and your family and/or friends and may cause irreversable harm to those nearest and dearest to you as. Imagine what would have happened to God's plan of salvation if Jesus failed to withstand the tempter.

And let us not imagine that Jesus was not tempted to give in to Satan. There was a second or a split second when the offer made by Satan seemed attractive even to Jesus!

          "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but
          He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." Heb. 4:15

So therefore, being tempted is not a sin. The above Scripture states specifically that Jesus was tempted but without sin!

We have an Afrikaans idiom, which translates thus: "You cannot prevent a bat from flying over your head, but you can prevent it from making a nest in your hair"! (Truth is, I now cannot remember whether it is a bat, or a bird... !)

Succumbing to the temptation: therein lies the error - the sin! Even though saying no may mean a very big sacrifice, or loss, or loneliness, or heartache...

We are taught to pray against temptation:

          "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Matt. 6:13

           "When He came to the place, He said to them: "Pray that you may not enter into
           temptation." Luke 22:4

           "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has
            overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who wll not
            allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will
            also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." 1 Cor. 10:13

Thank You, Lord, that we can make use of prayer and the Word as weapons to fight temptation. Thank You that we are assured that we will not be tempted beyond what we are able, and that You are faithful and will make a way for us to escape from each and every temptation, even while You will not take away our free will to choose in every circumstance.


One of the things that really struck me during my visits to Israel and specifically Jerusalem, was the number of money changers everywhere. In Eilat, the southernmost town in Israel, one was in fact changing money to all and sunder at the corner of a busy intersection. We also made use of his services.

I was reminded of the passage in Scripture relating how Jesus visited Jerusalem and found the money changers as well as many other businessmen and traders dealing in the temple. He became so angry that He overturned the tables and, using a whip, chased them all out.

I was also reminded that there are some things that have remained the same as in Biblical times. Jerusalem still exists. Golgotha, the place of the skull, is still there. The Jordan river is still there. So are the towns of Bethlehem and Nasareth (now called Nablus) and the Garden of Gethsemane with its gnarled old olive trees.

In a Jewish Orthodox church in Jerusalem I listened to men talking business and women gossiping... I saw a man take a bottle of brandy from a little "cubby hole"  in the pew in front of him and take a good swig! And I thought "no wonder Jesus got mad! No wonder He chased everyone out!"

Where and what are our thoughts whilst attending church services? Why do we attend them at all if not to worship God?

          "Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them, 'It is written, "My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves." ' Matt. 21: 12-13

Fortunately, it is not only the negatives that have remained the same to this day and age...

Jesus, also, has remained the same. The miracles that He performs are the same even today. Although miracles of healing are absolutely wonderful to see and to experience, to me the most miraculous of all are the miracles that take place when God changes the hearts of men and women from being enslaved by sin to being devoted and living victorious lives to the honour of God.

A few days prior to our visit to Israel, a group of thirty-two people from nineteen different countries met in Bishkek, the capital of Khyrgystan, where we were privileged to be part of a Jewish evangelical musical festival that was held in the City Hall. This festival was specifically arranged by Jews from Haifa, Israel, to reach out to Jews in Khyrgystan and to preach deliverance to them in the name of Jesus.

Every morning, after a time of prayer, our group would invade the streets of the city and hand out invitaitons to the musical festival to as many people as possible in the time before lunch. I even handed one to a snake charmer - and he attended snake, basket and flute and all, sitting in the aisle, playing along with the orchestra! Every evening they would fill the City Hall to overflowing. The morning after the first festival meeting, the Office of the Minister of Culture contacted our leaders informing them that we would no longer be able to make use of the City Hall as a famous Khyrgystani poet was celebrating his birthday and the hall had been promised to him to read his poems to the inhabitants.

Of course, our leadership understood this to be a ploy to hinder God's Word from being preached and they set off to the office of the relevant Minister. After waiting some time to speak to the minister, the lift doors opened and a very important looking official stepped out. Thinking it to be the Minister of Culture, our leaders approached this man (who turned out to be the Prime Minister of the country) and set out to put the facts to him. During this conversation, the lift doors opened again and the Minsiter of culture made his appearance.

Well, the poor man never stood a chance. The Prime Minister spoke a few heated words to him and then assured our leaders that we would of course be able to proceed with our festival for the remainder of the time that we had hired the Hall. "Njet problem!" Praise the Lord!

Naturally Satan was not very happy with this outcome. So, on the third morning, the Office of the Minister of Religion contacted our leaders, informing them that unfortunately we would not be able to proceed with the festival as the Orthodox Jews had lodged a complaint that we were preaching in the name of Jesus!

Our leaders again set off to the office of the Minister of Religion this time. They assured him that the name of Jesus had been the focal point of a family feud beween Jews for 2000 years and that it really was not an important enough issue for him to worry his very busy head about; it was simply a family affair between brothers... After giving the matter some thought, the Minister gave his permission for the festival to proceed, provided we no longer mention the name of Jesus! Imagine that for a minute...

         "Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name and look, you have filled
          Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man's blood on us! But Peter
          and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey God rather than men.
          The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom your murdered by hanging on a tree.
          Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Saviour, to give repentance
          to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are His witnesses to these things, and so
          also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him. "" Acts 5:28-32.

          "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and
           preaching Jesus as the Christ." Acts 5:42

Well, exactly our sentiments! We proceeded as usual. I was so excited by this! I could not help but marvel that the work we were doing were seen as threatening enough by the evil one to want to put a spoke in the wheels! It was, in fact, exactly what had happened nearly two thousand years ago when the apostles were preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

By the work of the Spirit and the love and mercy of God, more than 300 people, some of whom had previously not even heard of Jesus, the Christ, came to repentance and acceptance of the Lord Jesus during this festival in Bishkek, some 150 of them being Jews! No wonder Satan was unhappy. We have since heard that there is revival in Bishkek and that the body of Christ grows daily!

Thank You, Lord, that no matter what changes may have taken place during the ages, You are still the same yesterday, today and forever and that You are still capable of saving, keeping and protecting your own. Thank You that the book of Acts continues to be written in the hearts and lives of people as your Word is still being spread through the most humble of people, as we are willing and prepared to be used by You.

Wednesday 6 July 2011


I called her granny, although we were not related. Her youngest daughter was my closest friend for many years.

Granny was a remarkable woman. She raised her five (could have been six, I am not sure at the moment) children single-handedly to be responsible, loving people. She worked in a boarding house and up to the end of her days you would find her counting the cutlery after the dishes had been washed, or sheets and pillow cases when the linen was being put away. Old habits die hard.

Granny and I shared a love of plants, knitting and crocheting. In fact, after her death I received some of her crochet cotton and a round cloth that she had crocheted from my friend. I treasure that cloth and the one she gave me some time before she passed away.

Even though we were on good terms, granny was not always very fond of me. She and my friend shared a flat and, for a while, I would go around to fetch my friend for church services, or shopping, or other events that we attended together. Granny disliked being left on her own, and whenever she was feeling peeved at having to stay by herself of an evening, she would call me "that woman". "Is that woman coming to fetch you again this evening?" she would ask my friend.

"That woman", nevertheless, was fond of and admired granny greatly. She was a humble person and a perfectionist in all that she did. At ninety-odd, she was still making her own dresses, crocheting with the finest of cottons and crocheting hooks, the daintiest patterns, and knitting her own cardigans (with pockets)! Granny's eyesight was excellent for her age. Her work had to be faultless. She would undo lengthy pieces of knitting or crocheting because way down somewhere she saw a stitch which was incorrectly knitted or crocheted, or where the tension of a couple of stitches, or a particular row, was not up to par.

When she was ninety-three, they moved into my duplex as I was preparing to go overseas for a year.

One day she was sitting knitting at the dining room table by the open french doors overlooking the small garden, when I walked in. She was upset with herself and kept undoing her knitting because she was not satisfied with the way she was knitting the ribbing of the pocket onto the body of the cardigan. I again marvelled at the level of excellence she demanded from her own workmanship, because to me her work looked perfect.

Anyway, I again told her how much I admired the way she was still able to knit, sew and crochet and all the other things that she still accomplished at 93 - no one prepared and cooked a tongue for our Christmas meal or a wedding feast like she did!

She told me that she was tired and really didn't want to live much longer - she thought she might reach 94 but definitely not 95!

I replied that, if she was serious about not wanting to live longer, she should speak to the Lord about it and tell him that she was ready to go home to be with Him.

She quietly continued knitting for a couple of minutes, then looked up to me and said in a voice that put paid to such a ridiculous idea: "No, I want to finish my jersey first!"

I have heard someone ask: "If heaven is such a wonderful place, why isn't anybody in a hurry to go there?" Is it not true that even though we are believers, saved by the grace of God, we cling to life and still view death as enemy No. 1?

Yet, the Word says:

           "For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered
            up again..."  2 Sam. 14:14


            "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go
             to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again
             and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." John 14: 2-3

Am I ready for the Lord to come and receive me to Himself? Are you? We prepare to diligently for a week-end away, or a holiday overseas, reserving seats, applying for a passport and visa, finding someone to house sit or look after pets, discontinuing periodicals and newspapers, deciding what to take along, what to leave behind...yet, for the most important journey of all ...

Thank You, Lord, that even if we do not have a home of our own in this life, or perhaps have to make do with an inferior home, or just have a temporary home, You assure us that You have prepared a home for us in Heaven and that You will come and take us to be where You are. I am looking forward to being with You. Help us to be ready and willing to inhabit our heavenly home when You are ready to fetch us to be with You eternally.

Sunday 3 July 2011


Elisha, the prophet of God, visits Shunem. Here he meets a 'notable' woman - a farmer's wife. We do not know her name, or her husband's name for that matter. We do know that she was childless, her husband was old and she was a caring woman, seemingly satisfied in her marriage and circumstances.

She made a point of persuading the man of God to partake of their food, their home and even persuaded her husband to build a special room for the sole use of the man of God. She must have loved God to go to such extremes for one of His servants - or thismay have been her way of dealing with the fact that she had no child on whom to pour out her love and care.

In turn, Elisha prophesied over her the birth of a son within a year, which prophesy, in due course, came to pass.

When this child was old enough to join his father in the fields, he suddenly fell ill one day and was carried home, where his mother held him in her lap until he died. Then anxious, and in great haste, she sets off to find the man of God, without even telling her husband that their child had died.

         "Then she saddled a donkey, and said to her servant, "Drive, and go forward; do not
         slacken the pace for me unless I tell you." and so she departed and went to the man
         of God at Mount Carmel..." 2 Kings 4:24-25

I wonder why she never told her husband of their son's death? I wonder whether her husband was a believer in the God of Elisha or whether he, out of love for his wife, just pandered to her obvious need to care for the prophet? Was she perhaps fearful that the news of the child's death would be too much for her 'old' husband and that he would die of shock? Was she afraid that her husband would ridicule her belief that this child was from God since he had now died?

She faced Elisha and voiced her grief and grievance to him, vowing not to return to her home without him.

He had prophesied the child into being, he was to provide the solution to her grief and distress.

Of course, the rest is history. The child was resurrected and restored to life and health before her husband even came home from the fields that day!

            "And the mother of the child said: "As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will
             not leave you." So he arose and followed her... He went in therefore, shut the door
             behind the two of them, and prayed to the Lord. And he went up and lay on the child,
             and put his mouth on his mouth, his etyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands;
             and he stretched himself out on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm...
             Then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes... So she went in,
             fell at his feet, and bowed to the ground; then she picked up her son and went out."
             2 Kings 4:30,33-34,35,36

A miracle resurrected!

I remember a lady in our congregatrion, some years ago, whose husband was not a believer. Our congregation was planning a special communal meal one weekend and she had promised a contribution of meatballs towards the meal.

She placed an order for the mincemeat at the butcher's, at the same time ordering a leg of lamb to prepare for her own family to enjoy at the roadside, as they would be away from home the same weekend.

When she received the meat from the butcher, she noticed from the invoice that the butcher had not charged her for the leg of lamb. She immediately telephoned him and drew his attention to his error. Of course, the butcher was very appreciative of her honesty, a leg of lamb not being the cheapest cut of meat, but her husband was, to say the least, less appreciative and insisted that she should hve left well alone and that nobody would have been the wiser.

Her response was that she would have known and God would have been the wiser...

Because they would be away for the weekend, she telephoned me and we arranged that she would deliver the meatballs to my house on the Friday on their way out of town.

Friday duly arrived, the meatballs were safely installed in my refrigerator and off they went for their weekend.

When they stopped along the way to enjoy their picnic lunch, the leg of lamb was missing! She had placed the meat at her feet in their vehicle when they left home. When they reached our house, they left the car in our driveway with the door open whilst delivering the meatballs and chatting to us in the house. We had two dogs...

Now her husband really was upset! "Does your God know about this?"

Needless to say, she was in the proverbial dog box!

The Monday afternoon following, her husband arrived home from work with a whole sheep over his shoulders! A gift from a colleague!

She was able to point out to her spouse that indeed God not only knew about the lost leg of lamb but magnanimously replaced it and more! Not as big a miracle as resurrecting a son, but notable anyway!

Incidently, we only found out about the loss of the leg of lamb after they received the sheep on the Monday!

Has God perhaps performed a miracle for you that now seems to be threatened by death, or even worse, had died? Keep you mind fixed on God - He surely is capable of resurrecting your miracle.

Thank You, Lord, that you are at all times capable and willing to do miracles - even to resurrect them, if need be. Thank You, that you owe nobody anything and that everything we receive from You is a gift of mercy and grace.

Saturday 2 July 2011


The world, South Africa, and we, the people of South Africa, are experiencing turbulent times. Fuel, food and elecricity prices are soaring, unemployment and crime are rife, and it would seem as if chaos reigns supreme. Stress and anxiety are building up and negativity abounds. In many countries food shortages are acute and feeding programs cannot cope with the magnitude of the task to supply food to the starving multitudes.

Since I first wrote this, the world economy had deteriorated to the extent that there was, and to a certain extent, still is an economic recession being experienced on a world wide scale, with many companies and persons being declared insolvent on a daily basis and millions losing their jobs. The banks are having to repossess properties by the hundreds and sell them by auction to try and recover the monies lent as mortgage bonds.

The Word of God says that He "...lives amongst the praises of His people... " How can we praise Him if we are not thankful? Do we have reason to be thankful? How many reasons will we be able to find to be thankful to te Lord during the course of the second half of this year?

Are we, as believers, followers of Christ, dependent on the state of the economy or the buoyancy of the market to have, and live, life in abundance?

         "Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
         thanksgiving make your requests known to God. And the peace of God, which passes
         all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6,7

The above quotation from Scripture declares a spiritual law. One of many spiritual, God-given laws that govern our lives. Spiritual laws we tend to conveniently disregard or neglect but mostly, I think, forget, especially during times of hardship.

          "Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house; and
          thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of
          heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing." Mal. 3:10

Another spiritual law, and the only time ever in the Word that we are invited, commanded, or dared, to put God to the test.

           "You shall tithe all the yield of your seed" (all the yield of every effort made towards
            financial gain) "... that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always." Deut. 14: 22,23

            "And if you obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all His command-
            ments... the Lord will command the blessing upon you in your barns, and in all that you
            undertake... " Deut. 28:1,8. Also read Ex. 23:25

More spiritual laws. If we then remember these spiritual laws, operating as surely as the law of gravity, or any other scientific law, and obey them diligently until it becomes second nature to us as obeying traffic laws (?), then:

             "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you
             should go." Is. 48:17

Of course, the above applies only if we deal fairly, righteously and honestly with one another. The more we wish to receive, the more seeds we have to sow. This is a well-known natural, and spiritual, law. Although God is omnipotent, all-powerful, can create and do all things, He wishes us to give Him seed to work with, to multiply. We find examples in Scripture such as the five loaves of bread and two fishes, Matt. 15:30,31 or the water He turned into wine.

             "The point is this: He who sows sparingly, will also reap sparingly, and he who sows
             bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do as he has made up his mind,
             not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able
             to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough
             of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work... He who supplied
             seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and
             increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way for
             great generosity, which overflows in many thanksgivings to God. 2 Cor. 9:6-8, 10-12.

In turn, God will not only supply bread, but also the seed to him who sows. He will enable us to sow more to reap more ... to sow more ... to reap more... do we perhaps have to look at our own sowing habits, to find out why we are experiencing financial difficulties? If a farmer does not buy or keep seed to sow, he has no chance of reaping a harvest. Even the economy is subject to the power and spiritual laws of God. We are therefore dependent on God, not on the economy or the curent market tendencies, to provide for us to have and live in abundance and that, in itself, is surely reason enough to be thankful to the Lord today.

May we be inspired to live according to God's spiritual laws. May we be inspired to sow enough seeds in order that we may be able not only to fulfill our own needs, but to give in abundance to those around us who are less blessed, so that they may see and experience the glory of God in our lives, and in turn, become a blessing to others also.

Thank You, Lord, that we can look to You to be faithful and to confirm Your Word at all times.

Friday 1 July 2011


Are you being shunned by relative, friends, your church, or your community because of a crime or sin that you have committed, a wrong decision that you made, an error of judgment? Perhaps even because of a disease that you are suffering from?

You are not the first to experience this, nor will you be the last. Most people are judgmental by nature.

You have two choices: either you can withdraw from everyone, fall into a depression, and eventually live the life of a hermit, or worse still, commit suicide, or you can admit your guilt, mistake, or condition before the Lord God, ask His forgiveness where appropriate, forgive those who are judging you and proceed to lead a full life to His honour and glory.

God is, and always has been, more merciful than man.

Jesus reproaches the Pharisees:

           "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithes of mint and anise
            and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matter of the law: Justice and mercy
            and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone." Matt.

Without mercy, without love, without justice, without faith ... but the leaders and teachers in the church and the community.... Thank the Lord, not all leaders and teachers are the same!

In another instance we find Jesus in the temple and in the presence of an adulteress wife:

             "Now early in the mroning He came again into the temple, and all the people came
              to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and the Pharisees
              brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the
              midst, they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very
              act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what
              do You say?" This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which
              to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as
              though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up
              and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her
              first." And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard
              it,  being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the ol-
              dest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
              When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her,
              "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" she said:
              "No one, Lord," And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no
               more." John 8:2-11

They brought her right into the church - in public - in full view of the congregation - to the Son of God.

Can you imagine her guilt having been caught in the act of adultery?

Can you imagine her shame having been caught by her very leaders in the church and having been dragged
into the church in full sight of the congregation?

Can you imagine her fear, knowing that the penalty for being caught in the act of adultery was to be stoned to death?

Jesus, however, did not condemn her, but told her:

"Go, and sin no more."

Then we find Jesus healing a leper - his disease was so contagious that he was shunned by his community to such an extent that he was not allowed to live amongst them. He had to live in isolation outside his village. No one was even allowed to touch him or come within a certain distance of him, without him shouting out loud: "Unclean, unclean!"

            "Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, "If You
            are willing, You can make me clean." Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His
            hand and touched him, and said to him, "I am willing; be cleansed." As soon as He had
            spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. And He strictly warned him
            and sent him away at once, and said to him, "See that you say nothing to anyone; but go
            your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing those things which Moses
            commanded, as a testimony to them." Mark 1:40-44

Jesus had compassion,
Jesus was willing to talk to him,
Jesus touched the untouchable;
Jesus healed him.

And then sent him on his way, telling him to keep the ordinances of Moses and to be a testimony to the church leaders and his community.

So... you have committed a heinous sin or crime. That was wrong. There is no denying that. You cannot retract from the deed. You have to take responsibility for having done it.


Turn to God. Confess, repent, and live a life that will be to the honour and glory of God and a testimony to those who shun you, so that ultimately your walk with God will convince them that you have changed, that you regret your past mistakes and are willing to walk in God's ways.

Jesus still is merciful, still has compassion, still is willing to heal, to cleanse...

Thank You, Lord, that You are more merciful than man. Thank you, that You are a God full of love and compassion and forgiveness. Help us to live lives that will glorify You and be a testimony to those around us.