Monday 16 January 2012


Some of us keep diaries - some faithfully, others sporadically.

Some of us tweet on twitter; some chat on facebook; some send sms's on the phone...

We keep in touch... we tell what is happening in our daily lives... what we think, do, hope to achieve, dream...

Jesus said:

                    "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he
                     will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My
                     Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father
                     may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."
                     John 14: 12-14

I read these words again this morning and asked myself:

If I were to read a book recording, lets say, the last 10 years of my life, how many times would I read that I had:

Laid hands on the sick, prayed for them and they were healed?
My shadow had fallen on someone and he/she was healed?
When last have I turned water into wine?
When last have I fed thousands with a few fish and loaves?

When last... when last... when last?

And you?

What has gone wrong in our lives?
Why are we not doing 'greater works'?

Is it because I lack boldness?
Do I lack faith?

Or is it because we do not have the confidence to ask God to do miracles through us because we feel guilty about some sin or unrighteousness in our lives?

Or are the words uttered by Jesus not true?

Yet, they have been proven true and reliable, because the apostles did many miracles in His Name... and so have many other children of God through the ages...

What then is missing from my walk with God? What ingredients or qualities are missing from my life?
What does God need from me in order for Him to perform 'greater works' thru me?

I have decided to examine my life... my deeds... my thoughts... my faith... God's Word...  and to find the answers...

Will you also?

Thank You, Lord, that we know You have not lost Your power. Thank You that You remain the same, yesterday, today and forever. Help me, Lord, to act on Your word and in the mighty name of Jesus.

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