Wednesday 4 January 2012


I was very privileged to have my beloved son and his lovely family visiting me over the
Festive Season. Their eldest daughter, Melissa, will be three years old next month.

One morning, I was bent over, vigorously brushing my hair forward and quite enjoying the exercise when she suddenly asked me, "Ouma, what are you doing?"

"Just making sure my hair gets a thorough brushing", I replied. "Oh", was the non-committal response I got and the next minute she darted off towards the bedroom where her mom and dad slept.

A while later my son came into the lounge. "Melissa is standing in the bedroom, bent over, and brushing her hair with long strokes", he said, "just like her mom does".

He was unaware of our earlier little conversation, but the point I want to make is that even at that age, and much before that also, little ones imitate us... and most of the time we are totally unaware of what they are taking in, whilst watching us. And then, when they copy us, we are amazed to see "how clever they are... " Everything they see and hear are stored in their minds. I heard someone say just the other day that up to the age of six years old, every new thing they see, every colour, smell, action, word, animal, shape, even on television, everything that is new to them, automatically is filed in the brain for future reference.

Is it not amazing, if not frightening, to think that we, everyone in the household, family, circle of friends and acquintances, teachers, fellow pre-schoolers, ministers, etc. etc. are co-responsible for how that child develops - what gets stored in that mind... I have often heard a parent say: "Now where would he/she get that from? Where has she/he heard that word?"

Who and what do we expose our children to? Do we ever even think about that? And if we notice some action, or hear a word that we would not like our children to copy, do we, even during those early years, think to tell them not to copy that or do we reason, or hope, that they are too young to notice or to be influenced? Do we know what they watch on television?

Who do we, as adults, imitate?

Paul says:

                   "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Cor. 11:1

Jesus extends the following invitation:

                    "... Come, follow me... "  Matt. 4:18-20

Thank You, Lord, that You have given us Your Son as an example to imitate and to follow. Help us to not lead others astray by our example, actions and words, but to imitate You so that others may be imitators of You by imitating us.

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