Wednesday 16 November 2011


to the Samaritan woman at the well....

Jesus was not supposed to be in that area; or at the well; or speaking to the woman; or asking her for water... because there was complete "apartheid" between the Jews and the Samaritans at the time... yet He was and He did... because that is the kind of God He is... He does not differenciate between people. He cares for all and soon thereafter died for everyone.

She also queried his behaviour. But His whole conversation with her was just 'an opening line' to get to the point where He eventually changes the gist of the whole conversation and says to her:

                "Go, call your husband, and come here." John 4: 16

This is where He wanted to be... already as with the rich young man, Jesus had looked to the very core of her being... knowing all about all, He saw her need, her emptiness, her longing to be in a fulfilled relationship which she herself, maybe, did not understand and which she was unable to achieve even after five husbands and a lover. She did not understand that the only relationship that brings true joy and fulfillment is that which a person has with God. And so, when she answers:

                 "I have no husband." verse 17

Jesus expands on her answer by saying:

                  "You have well said, 'I have no husband,' for  you have had five husbands, and
                   the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly."
                   John 4: 18

He does not judge her. Judging will be done before the throne of Almighty God... Instead He offers her the only relationship that will ever bring her the fulfilment she seeks and she accepts.  Not only does she accept, but fetches not only her lover, but the population of her whole town to meet with Jesus to also personally enter into and experience a relationship with Him.

Thank You, Lord, that Your Word never returns to You empty but it achieves that which it was sent for. Thank You that You desire to have a personal relationship with each and every person on this earth. Help us to also invite others to share in the wonderful relationship that we have with You so that they too may experience fulfilment and joy for eternity.

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