Thursday 24 November 2011


His disciples... in Jerusalem, after He was resurrected ... we find some of them together and they are telling Thomas that Jesus had been resurrected and that He is alive and that He has been seen by some of them... and Thomas says :

                      "...unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the
                       nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it."  John

(In South Africa we have a saying for somebody who does not believe what a person is saying:  "unbelieving Thomas" - It is obvious where that originated.)

Yet, in Luke 9: 18-20 Jesus asks his disciples:

                        "... but who do you say I am?"

Peter answers:

                        "The Christ of God."

and we do not hear Thomas disagreeing or denying this fact at that time. So obviously he also believed that Jesus was the Christ. He just did not believe that Jesus had been risen from the dead!

And since that day to this, there have been  many people who only believe certain portions of the Word of God, but argue other points... even professors of Theology, clergyman, preachers... have doubts about the virgin birth of Christ, His death, His resurrection, whether in fact He was ascended to heaven ...

Do you have any such doubts?

Then, eight days after the incident described above, the disciples are together again in a locked room and Thomas is with them this time, and suddenly WHAM! Jesus is in their midst. No one opened any doors or windows for Him to enter - no, He is JUST THERE! Present in their midst. And without further ado, knowing Thomas also to his core, Jesus said to Thomas:

                  "...Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here,
                  and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing." John 20: 27

He knew the exact words that Thomas had spoken, even though He was not physically present when they were uttered by Thomas!

Isn't He a mighty God?

Thomas thought so too, for he exclaimed:

                    "My Lord and my God!" John 20: 28

You see, it does not matter who you are, where you are, what your sins, iniquities, unrighteousness, faults, shortcomings, weaknesses, good points, strengths are - He, our Lord, is omnipresent, and He knows about your beliefs and unbeliefs... our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, the Christ of God knows you to the core! May as well surrender to Him... surely there is no other God like Him!

Thank You, Lord! What a comfort it is to know that You know me so well! That also means that You know my every need, knows when I am in danger, knows when I am suffering, when I am sad... when I am thankful or glad; thank You that there is no one like You. Help us to surrender totally to You in faith and to trust You completely.

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