Thursday 5 April 2012


 I have just received this as an e-mail from someone. I do not know who the author is, but I place it verbatim for your encouragement and to God's glory. As you read it, glory with me in the fact that He lives! He is truly risen!

The Eternal Glory of Easter …

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen.  
For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal”
– 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (NIV)

Father when I look at the tangled threads in the tapestry of life I must confess many of the troubles our world face today do not seem light at all.  A panoramic portrait of what is seen can paralyze us.  Often viewing the landscape of lust, the boulders of betrayal, the pesticide of pride, the infestation of injustice, the weeds of wickedness, the pain of poverty and the aching abyss of so many human hearts, the temptation is to only see what seems tragic and often hopeless.

My soul cringe under the weight of it all.  I confess my vision gets blurred when I glare at the reality of what is temporal and what is seen, discouragement and doubt surround us, desperately trying to strangle us into despair.

Yet faith whispers:  “Where hope grows, miracles blossom”.  Is this what Jesus felt when He knelt underneath the crushing weight of Calvary’s Cross?  Did He measure the seen against the unseen on the divine scales of hope?

Did He choose to place the humiliation, the suffering, the pain and shame on the scales of eternity and by faith grasped for the promise of eternal glory? 

How fierce His faith …
How relentless His passion …
How deep His love …
How wide His mercy …
How marvelous His grace …

When the crown of thorns were pressed in, when the lashes of sin were slicing into His flesh, when the stain of humanity’s blood were dripping from His brow.  To us this moment in history seems overwhelming, but to a Suffering Savior it was the momentary hinging on the weight of eternal glory. 

Help me Lord to approach life like Jesus did, yes even the afflictions, the trials and the pain, help me to place the exclamation not on the seen but imprison doubt in the furnace of faith allowing eternal glory to rise on the horizon of tomorrow until it spills all over the universe.  Through grace use my momentary troubles as a vehicle of hope to transport me into an eternal glory, knowing everything I endure on earth will blossom something of beauty in heaven. 

As you lift the veil upon Easter this year let me not stay sheltered in the shadow of the cross but help me to rejoice in the radiance of the resurrection and dance in the glow of the eternal glory, yet to come … 

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