Two days to the celebration of the birth of Christ, the Lord, the Messiah:
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will
be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Is. 9:6 NKJV
Whilst we are going to concentrate on His birth, I wish all of you in Russia, China, Japan, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Equador, Canada, Brazil, USA, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, India, Australia, South Africa, Namibie, New Zealand, in fact, all over the world, to also think on Him as Father God's GIFT to you, each and every one individually.
He, the Son of God, was given to us as our Government - who will provide for us; whose spiritual laws of love, humility and service we are to honour and revere; on whose shoulder rested the guilt and sin and sickness and disease and unrighteousness of the whole world - and Who was willing to pay the price to redeem us all. He was given to us as Wonderful - the Person to worship and adore, to follow, to imitate. He was given to us as Counsellor - who is capable of leading us and advising us in every situation in our lives - Ps. 23 says "He leads us in paths of righteousness for His name's sake". He was given to us as Mighty God, who is capable of performing miracle after miracle - of healing the sick physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, of reconciling us with God, of reconciling us with each other, of raising and removing governments at His will. He was given to us as everlasting Father - father to the fatherless, to the motherless, to the rejected, to the unloved, to the poor, to the lonely... He was given to us as Prince of Peace to the restless, to the weary, to the tormented, to the battle fatigued... will you thank Father God with me for Him, the most wonderful gift to human kind ever bestowed on the earth?
And I want to thank you all for browsing this blogsite. Often I lay my hand on the screen of my computer and I ask God to bless each and every person who browses this blog - who reads these devotions - and I ask Him that you may find something here that is relevant and helpful to your life, to your problems, to your heart's cry.
May you all experience the joy of the Festive Season, may you vow to lay off something that may be unChristlike in your life, or a spirit of heaviness, or despair, or of hopelessness with the old year and put on the garments of praise and worship and ask and receive the gifts and fruits of the Spirit of God and experience love, joy and peace with the coming of the New Year.
God bless you one and all - Elizabeth
Hierdie is die nesskopplek van my kreatiewe kant. Sommer net 'n plek waar ek kan loslaat wat binne is sonder vrese of verwagtings. My hoop is dat dit wat ek hier neerpen vir iemand 'n bietjie kleur op 'n vaal dag kan bring.
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Friday, 23 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
It is almost Christmas time again... just a few short days away...
I am reading a book about the life of Jesus and again noted the conversation between Mary and the angel as found in Luke, chapter one, and I am referring specifically to the conversation as described from verse 31:
"And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall
call His name Jesus."
Mary then queries from the angel:
"How can this be, since I do not know a man?" verse 34
and the angel answers:
"...the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will
overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy one who is to be born will be
called the Son of God." verse 35.
I have often pondered this conversation... often marvelled at the young teenage girl's response to such a controversial announcement made by the Heavenly messenger... because she, knowing the law and therefore the danger to her person should it become known that she was with child and not married... yet answered:
"Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your
word." verse 38
Agreeable... obedient... submissive... and once there... in that state of total submission and obedience, despite the circumstances, despite the lurking dangers, even the possibility of death... the angel departs to smooth her way by also appearing to Joseph... and the end result of this submission and obedience being the Christ of God becombing flesh and being born as a human being to fulfil step one of God's redemptive plans for human kind.
There is another instance in the Scriptures where similar words are uttered:
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit is come upon you; and
you shall witness to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to
the end of the earth." Acts 1:8
This time of course it is our Lord Jesus himself speaking to his disciples...
These words were immediately preceded by His command to not leave Jerusalem but to wait for:
"...the Promise of the Father, "which", He said, "you have heard from Me; for
John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit
not many days from now." " Acts 1: 4,5.
Again, the response is obedience, submission, because we read in verse 12 of the same chapter:
"Then they returned to Jerusalem (after the ascension of Jesus to heaven) from
the Mount of Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey. And
when they had entered, they went up into the upper room where they were
staying: " (My insertion between brackets)
until: "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in
one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing
mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. then there
appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy spirit and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:1 4.
The words of Jesus were fulfilled and God's plan for the gospel to be spread across the whole world was set in motion - by obedience and submission to the command by Jesus.
What is God's plan for the earth in the here and now?
What is God's message for the earth here and now?
What is it that God wants you and me to do now?
What is the next step for the redemption of human kind?
Is it not the return of Christ to fetch his bride?
Are we not to preach that the coming of the Lord is at hand?
Is that not what God would have you and me do right now?
Are we obedient and submissive?
Or are we thwarting and delaying the final step of the redemption plan by disobedience and rebellion?
Thank You, Father God, for Your redemptive plan for all mankind. Help us please to submit and to preach the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world at large.
I am reading a book about the life of Jesus and again noted the conversation between Mary and the angel as found in Luke, chapter one, and I am referring specifically to the conversation as described from verse 31:
"And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall
call His name Jesus."
Mary then queries from the angel:
"How can this be, since I do not know a man?" verse 34
and the angel answers:
"...the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will
overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy one who is to be born will be
called the Son of God." verse 35.
I have often pondered this conversation... often marvelled at the young teenage girl's response to such a controversial announcement made by the Heavenly messenger... because she, knowing the law and therefore the danger to her person should it become known that she was with child and not married... yet answered:
"Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your
word." verse 38
Agreeable... obedient... submissive... and once there... in that state of total submission and obedience, despite the circumstances, despite the lurking dangers, even the possibility of death... the angel departs to smooth her way by also appearing to Joseph... and the end result of this submission and obedience being the Christ of God becombing flesh and being born as a human being to fulfil step one of God's redemptive plans for human kind.
There is another instance in the Scriptures where similar words are uttered:
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit is come upon you; and
you shall witness to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to
the end of the earth." Acts 1:8
This time of course it is our Lord Jesus himself speaking to his disciples...
These words were immediately preceded by His command to not leave Jerusalem but to wait for:
"...the Promise of the Father, "which", He said, "you have heard from Me; for
John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit
not many days from now." " Acts 1: 4,5.
Again, the response is obedience, submission, because we read in verse 12 of the same chapter:
"Then they returned to Jerusalem (after the ascension of Jesus to heaven) from
the Mount of Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey. And
when they had entered, they went up into the upper room where they were
staying: " (My insertion between brackets)
until: "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in
one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing
mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. then there
appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy spirit and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:1 4.
The words of Jesus were fulfilled and God's plan for the gospel to be spread across the whole world was set in motion - by obedience and submission to the command by Jesus.
What is God's plan for the earth in the here and now?
What is God's message for the earth here and now?
What is it that God wants you and me to do now?
What is the next step for the redemption of human kind?
Is it not the return of Christ to fetch his bride?
Are we not to preach that the coming of the Lord is at hand?
Is that not what God would have you and me do right now?
Are we obedient and submissive?
Or are we thwarting and delaying the final step of the redemption plan by disobedience and rebellion?
Thank You, Father God, for Your redemptive plan for all mankind. Help us please to submit and to preach the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world at large.
Monday, 19 December 2011
This morning, driving to the office, approaching the traffic lights, I saw a man crossing the road, walking with great difficulty. When he saw that I slowed down so that he could take his time, he thanked me by raising him hand.
That's when I noticed that he was carrying a Bible in the other hand.
We were not far from Karl Bremer Provincial Hospital, so I took it for granted that that was where he was headed and as I had to pass the hospital anyway, I pulled off the road and offered him a lift. He explained that he was only going as far as the hospital, but knowing the steep incline to the hospital's main entrance once one had entered the grounds, I offered to take him there anyway.
He was thankful, praising God aloud as he climbed into the vehicle. I looked at him, we shook hands, said "Hallo", and I drove to the hospital grounds. I noticed that his face was aglow and recognized the beauty of the glory of our Lord emanating from him. At the gated, manned-entrance, I stopped and asked the guards if they would allow me to drive right up to the doors, instead of to the parking area, explaining I had a passenger I wished to take to the entrance. They peered into the car, and recognizing my passenger, I heard their loud, welcoming greetings: "Pastor! Pastor!"
He laughed softly and said: "They know me around here - I have been coming here for a long time."
When we reached the doors, he again thanked me politely. I assured him that it was an absolute privilege for me to have transported him. He got out and with difficulty proceeded through the hospital doors and I turned around and was on my way to the office, with such a feeling of absolute bliss and so happy that I could have been of assistance, even in such a very small way, to one of the saints of God.
Even though we were from totally different culture groups and had never met before, the Spirit testified that we were family the minute we laid eyes on each other. What a joy to serve our Lord!
It made me feel very small to think that he probably, with his walking difficulty, had been walking all the way from the bus or train route for at least a kilometer or two and would have to walk back all that distance again, yet he did so faithfully and without complaint.
It also stirred my soul to know that there were indeed others who also ministered to the patients in that hospital as it is the same one where a little group of people, of whom I am but one small part, ministers on Sundays.
I will not forget him. Will you remember him in your prayers?
"The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of
God." Rom. 8:16
Thank You, Lord, for saints who, despite their age, infirmaties, difficulties, needs, are faithfully spreading the Gospel daily in accordance with your command. Help us to see the need and to recognise opportunities to do the same.
That's when I noticed that he was carrying a Bible in the other hand.
We were not far from Karl Bremer Provincial Hospital, so I took it for granted that that was where he was headed and as I had to pass the hospital anyway, I pulled off the road and offered him a lift. He explained that he was only going as far as the hospital, but knowing the steep incline to the hospital's main entrance once one had entered the grounds, I offered to take him there anyway.
He was thankful, praising God aloud as he climbed into the vehicle. I looked at him, we shook hands, said "Hallo", and I drove to the hospital grounds. I noticed that his face was aglow and recognized the beauty of the glory of our Lord emanating from him. At the gated, manned-entrance, I stopped and asked the guards if they would allow me to drive right up to the doors, instead of to the parking area, explaining I had a passenger I wished to take to the entrance. They peered into the car, and recognizing my passenger, I heard their loud, welcoming greetings: "Pastor! Pastor!"
He laughed softly and said: "They know me around here - I have been coming here for a long time."
When we reached the doors, he again thanked me politely. I assured him that it was an absolute privilege for me to have transported him. He got out and with difficulty proceeded through the hospital doors and I turned around and was on my way to the office, with such a feeling of absolute bliss and so happy that I could have been of assistance, even in such a very small way, to one of the saints of God.
Even though we were from totally different culture groups and had never met before, the Spirit testified that we were family the minute we laid eyes on each other. What a joy to serve our Lord!
It made me feel very small to think that he probably, with his walking difficulty, had been walking all the way from the bus or train route for at least a kilometer or two and would have to walk back all that distance again, yet he did so faithfully and without complaint.
It also stirred my soul to know that there were indeed others who also ministered to the patients in that hospital as it is the same one where a little group of people, of whom I am but one small part, ministers on Sundays.
I will not forget him. Will you remember him in your prayers?
"The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of
God." Rom. 8:16
Thank You, Lord, for saints who, despite their age, infirmaties, difficulties, needs, are faithfully spreading the Gospel daily in accordance with your command. Help us to see the need and to recognise opportunities to do the same.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
I have just read three biographies, one on the early life and ministry of Jimmy Swaggart, one on the life of John Wesley. I have read biographies on Wesley's life before. This one was written by Basil Miller who picked up on the life of John Wesley when John Wesley was only about 6 years old.
Jimmy Swaggart's story was co-written by himself and Robert Paul Lamb.
I never realised before that Jimmy Swaggart was a first cousin to Jerry Lee Lewis! They inherited the same genes - the same talents - and while both of them developed their talents and Jimmy Swaggart also was offered a contract by Jerry Lee Lewis's agent, he had to make a choice as to whether he was going to serve the same master.
What particularly struck me about John Wesley and Jimmy Swaggart both, though they lived hundreds of years apart, and they were totally different physically and with totally different talents and temperaments, was the fact that they were both rebels as teenagers. Rebels, who although they had handed over their lives to God as children, as teenagers rebelled against those decisions and, for a time, a season, were wayward and living lives totally opposite to that which they had promised God.
Reminded me of my own life...
Reminded me of the life of Saul of Tarsish...
Reminded me of the life of Jonah...
Reminded me of the lives of so many people...
But even as with Jonah, as they were running in the opposite direction to which they were supposed to be going, they could not run fast or far enough to escape the voice of God calling... calling... and both of them, in different centuries, eventually had to pay heed to God's call and obey His calling on their lives.
A couple of truths stuck out like sore thumbs - if there is a calling on your life - there is no escaping it.
The fact that there is a calling on your life does, however, not mean that you are a perfect human being - far from it. Yet, DESPITE the shortcomings, and imperfections, and rebellious nature, God does not give up on you ...
He waits patiently ... because no one knows you as God does. He created us and knows us inside out. He knows there will come a time, He knows exactly when it will be, if He keeps calling, that you will have to halt and heed His voice...
And once you have come to the point where you can do nothing but bow in total submission to His will, then God in His mercy can start forming you, equipping you, annointing you and using you to His glory.
Have you ever wondered what God could achieve through you if you were totally committed to Him?
A few stats from the life of John Wesley:
During 40 years he travelled approximately 250 000 miles (on horseback) - an average of at least 20 miles a day. He wrote more than 200 books, countless hymns with his brother Charles, edited another 200 odd books, owned a book shop for 40 years, - he even wrote an English dictionary! He started the first tract society, and the Methodist Church, of which he was the international leader for about 40 years! He used to get up at 4 in the morning and be busy with God's work until 10 at night. During the 40 years he preached on average 3 times a day!
Jimmy Swaggart was a small town preacher when he started off, but in the 1970's his ministry was being broadcast on the air on 550 radio stations and telecasted over at least 200 television networks! He sold a million records a year, and a million tape cassettes a year!
What would God be able to do through you and me if we were totally committed to Him? I hear you saying that you cannot sing... you are not musical... or ... you cannot preach ... submit yourself to God and He will use what you have... and add to your talents and abilities...
And it is not only men that God uses ... I also read the biography of Henrietta Mears... a lady whose passion for the Lord and the youth resulted in Sunday School material that she created and developed and which was used all over the world! She also had under her supervision a Sunday School growing from 42 students to 4200 students from which at least 400 young people were eventually ministering God's Word all over the world and four of her students started a movement to win students for the Lord, which eventually resulted in Campus Crusade for Christ being born!
Are you perhaps running from your calling even now as you read this?
Are you ready to stop and heed God's voice?
Are you ready to commit your will to God's?
" not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of
testing in the desert, " Heb. 3:8
Thank You Father God, for your patience with us while we run... knowing there will be a moment in time when we will have to stop and heed your voice. Help us to do so NOW to the glory and honour and expansion of your Kingdom on earth!
Jimmy Swaggart's story was co-written by himself and Robert Paul Lamb.
I never realised before that Jimmy Swaggart was a first cousin to Jerry Lee Lewis! They inherited the same genes - the same talents - and while both of them developed their talents and Jimmy Swaggart also was offered a contract by Jerry Lee Lewis's agent, he had to make a choice as to whether he was going to serve the same master.
What particularly struck me about John Wesley and Jimmy Swaggart both, though they lived hundreds of years apart, and they were totally different physically and with totally different talents and temperaments, was the fact that they were both rebels as teenagers. Rebels, who although they had handed over their lives to God as children, as teenagers rebelled against those decisions and, for a time, a season, were wayward and living lives totally opposite to that which they had promised God.
Reminded me of my own life...
Reminded me of the life of Saul of Tarsish...
Reminded me of the life of Jonah...
Reminded me of the lives of so many people...
But even as with Jonah, as they were running in the opposite direction to which they were supposed to be going, they could not run fast or far enough to escape the voice of God calling... calling... and both of them, in different centuries, eventually had to pay heed to God's call and obey His calling on their lives.
A couple of truths stuck out like sore thumbs - if there is a calling on your life - there is no escaping it.
The fact that there is a calling on your life does, however, not mean that you are a perfect human being - far from it. Yet, DESPITE the shortcomings, and imperfections, and rebellious nature, God does not give up on you ...
He waits patiently ... because no one knows you as God does. He created us and knows us inside out. He knows there will come a time, He knows exactly when it will be, if He keeps calling, that you will have to halt and heed His voice...
And once you have come to the point where you can do nothing but bow in total submission to His will, then God in His mercy can start forming you, equipping you, annointing you and using you to His glory.
Have you ever wondered what God could achieve through you if you were totally committed to Him?
A few stats from the life of John Wesley:
During 40 years he travelled approximately 250 000 miles (on horseback) - an average of at least 20 miles a day. He wrote more than 200 books, countless hymns with his brother Charles, edited another 200 odd books, owned a book shop for 40 years, - he even wrote an English dictionary! He started the first tract society, and the Methodist Church, of which he was the international leader for about 40 years! He used to get up at 4 in the morning and be busy with God's work until 10 at night. During the 40 years he preached on average 3 times a day!
Jimmy Swaggart was a small town preacher when he started off, but in the 1970's his ministry was being broadcast on the air on 550 radio stations and telecasted over at least 200 television networks! He sold a million records a year, and a million tape cassettes a year!
What would God be able to do through you and me if we were totally committed to Him? I hear you saying that you cannot sing... you are not musical... or ... you cannot preach ... submit yourself to God and He will use what you have... and add to your talents and abilities...
And it is not only men that God uses ... I also read the biography of Henrietta Mears... a lady whose passion for the Lord and the youth resulted in Sunday School material that she created and developed and which was used all over the world! She also had under her supervision a Sunday School growing from 42 students to 4200 students from which at least 400 young people were eventually ministering God's Word all over the world and four of her students started a movement to win students for the Lord, which eventually resulted in Campus Crusade for Christ being born!
Are you perhaps running from your calling even now as you read this?
Are you ready to stop and heed God's voice?
Are you ready to commit your will to God's?
" not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of
testing in the desert, " Heb. 3:8
Thank You Father God, for your patience with us while we run... knowing there will be a moment in time when we will have to stop and heed your voice. Help us to do so NOW to the glory and honour and expansion of your Kingdom on earth!
Friday, 2 December 2011
If you will read the devotion titled "Thorn in my flesh" you will know who I am going to tell you about now...
Well, as I said before, this lady found new employment, and left the Agency where I am employed.
On the last day, just before she left, when we said our good-byes, I asked her to try and remember some of the things we spoke about, and I also said to her, 'please remember that God wishes to have an intimate relationship with you; He wishes to be your friend, your husband, your lover... an intimate relationship is what He wishes to have with every person..'.
Well, she was gone, and peace descended on our office.... until I got a phone call from her the next Monday afternoon at about 16:20 when she asked whether I would be at our office until 17:00 as she wished to see me. She had something to tell me. I told her yes, I would still be there and would meet her at the door. She arrived promptly, waving her arms, eyes sparkling, until I had opened the glass door to let her in and then the tears just started pouring down her cheeks. Needless to say, I was surprised and a little concerned, until she opened her mouth. She said, 'You remember those words you said to me as I left the last day I was here... about God wanting to be my friend, husband, lover, well, you won't believe me, but they stayed with me. I could not rid myself of them and then one night as I was sitting outside my flat smoking a cigarette, I looked up at the sky and I started talking to God... and now I cannot stop! I have asked Him to forgive me, to take me into His fold, and since then I am so full of joy, and so blessed, and He has not stopped pouring out His blessings on me since... I cannot begin to tell you how full of joy I am! I have started reading my Bible and praising God and thanking Him for his goodness to me... !
Needless to say, I was also full of joy! We literally grabbed one another round the shoulders and were jumpting up and down, laughing, and thanking God for his mercy and grace and for meeting with her the moment she looked up to Him!
Wow! Isn't God faithful!
This will teach me never to give up hope with anyone again! Just to keep talking...
She asked me, 'How does it make you feel to know that you were instrumental in my meeting with God?' and I could tell her that God, in fact, does not need anyone, or let me rephrase that: He can use anyone, and does not need one specific person. It does not make me a special person because He chose to use me in this instance, but I am very thankful that He had!
I want to encourage you to not stop talking about our Lord; not to stop giving your testimony. There are so many spiritually hungry and starving people out in the world, and sometimes they do not even know what they are hungering after... don't stop. God will honour your faithfulness... keep going:
"For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return
there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give
seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth
from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what
I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Is. 55: 10 - 11
Thank You, Lord, that Your Word remains the truth and the same, yesterday, today and forever. Thank You that You are willing to use us, Your humble creatures, to fulfil Your purposes on this earth. Help us to be ever obedient to Your voice and Your Spirit and to not give up on anybody.
Well, as I said before, this lady found new employment, and left the Agency where I am employed.
On the last day, just before she left, when we said our good-byes, I asked her to try and remember some of the things we spoke about, and I also said to her, 'please remember that God wishes to have an intimate relationship with you; He wishes to be your friend, your husband, your lover... an intimate relationship is what He wishes to have with every person..'.
Well, she was gone, and peace descended on our office.... until I got a phone call from her the next Monday afternoon at about 16:20 when she asked whether I would be at our office until 17:00 as she wished to see me. She had something to tell me. I told her yes, I would still be there and would meet her at the door. She arrived promptly, waving her arms, eyes sparkling, until I had opened the glass door to let her in and then the tears just started pouring down her cheeks. Needless to say, I was surprised and a little concerned, until she opened her mouth. She said, 'You remember those words you said to me as I left the last day I was here... about God wanting to be my friend, husband, lover, well, you won't believe me, but they stayed with me. I could not rid myself of them and then one night as I was sitting outside my flat smoking a cigarette, I looked up at the sky and I started talking to God... and now I cannot stop! I have asked Him to forgive me, to take me into His fold, and since then I am so full of joy, and so blessed, and He has not stopped pouring out His blessings on me since... I cannot begin to tell you how full of joy I am! I have started reading my Bible and praising God and thanking Him for his goodness to me... !
Needless to say, I was also full of joy! We literally grabbed one another round the shoulders and were jumpting up and down, laughing, and thanking God for his mercy and grace and for meeting with her the moment she looked up to Him!
Wow! Isn't God faithful!
This will teach me never to give up hope with anyone again! Just to keep talking...
She asked me, 'How does it make you feel to know that you were instrumental in my meeting with God?' and I could tell her that God, in fact, does not need anyone, or let me rephrase that: He can use anyone, and does not need one specific person. It does not make me a special person because He chose to use me in this instance, but I am very thankful that He had!
I want to encourage you to not stop talking about our Lord; not to stop giving your testimony. There are so many spiritually hungry and starving people out in the world, and sometimes they do not even know what they are hungering after... don't stop. God will honour your faithfulness... keep going:
"For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return
there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give
seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth
from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what
I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Is. 55: 10 - 11
Thank You, Lord, that Your Word remains the truth and the same, yesterday, today and forever. Thank You that You are willing to use us, Your humble creatures, to fulfil Your purposes on this earth. Help us to be ever obedient to Your voice and Your Spirit and to not give up on anybody.
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