Wednesday 1 February 2012


All staff in the office received an e-mail from one of the national managers of  our company, asking the above question.

I am going to quote his e-mail in part, as it may help someone out there. Of course, the context in which he had asked it, was purely business. But I want to say let's not just focus on the business side of our lives, but let us take stock of our lives as a whole, including our spiritual walk with Almighty God. I quote:

"What are your mooring lines? In other words, what is holding you back from being the very best you can be. The reason this question is so powerful is that it puts the responsibility of our life... squarely on our shoulders and no longer allows us to blame others.

As you know, mooring lines are the things that prevent hot-air balloons from rising, planes from taking off and ships from sailing away. In just the same way, they are the things that prevent us from soaring, from truly living life fully, from achieving our (full potential). (I have exchanged his words for my own between the brackets). Mooring lines are unique to each person. No two people have the exact same ones.

There are many different types of mooring lines. See if any of these ring true for you:

Limiting beliefs.
People and relationships.
Negative emotions.
Lack of Gratitude.
Being emotionally shut down."

I am not going to quote everything that he set out under each of these headings, but will merely jot down what I believe to be remedies to cut these mooring lines.

Trust God, be totally dependent of Him to lead and guide you and trust in your own abilities which are God given.

Break the mooring lines with negative people and with all who would, as my father used to say, pull you off the ladder instead of helping you climb the ladder.

Forgive: Firstly yourself, as well as everybody else. By cutting the mooring lines of your anger and unforgiveness, which binds people to you, you will also set yourself free. Remember God forgives us every time we ask.

Ask the Lord to fill you with His love. This will enable you to truly love yourself and other people in a godly manner.

                    "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these
                    things shall be added unto you. Matt. 6:33

Thank You, Lord, that even for success in business we may rely on Your guidance and wisdom. Help us to cut mooring lines, or soul ties, that are harmful to our spirits and minds.

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