Monday 19 December 2011


This morning, driving to the office, approaching the traffic lights, I saw a man crossing the road, walking with great difficulty. When he saw that I slowed down so that he could take his time, he thanked me by raising him hand.

That's when I noticed that he was carrying a Bible in the other hand.

We were not far from Karl Bremer Provincial Hospital, so I took it for granted that that was where he was headed and as I had to pass the hospital anyway, I pulled off the road and offered him a lift. He explained that he was only going as far as the hospital, but knowing the steep incline to the hospital's main entrance once one had entered the grounds, I offered to take him there anyway.

He was thankful, praising God aloud as he climbed into the vehicle. I looked at him,  we shook hands, said "Hallo", and I drove to the hospital grounds. I noticed that his face was aglow and recognized the beauty of the glory of our Lord emanating from him. At the gated, manned-entrance, I stopped and asked the guards if they would allow me to drive right up to the doors, instead of to the parking area, explaining I had a passenger I wished to take to the entrance. They peered into the car, and recognizing my passenger, I heard their loud, welcoming greetings: "Pastor! Pastor!"

He laughed softly and said: "They know me around here - I have been coming here for a long time."

When we reached the doors, he again thanked me politely. I assured him that it was an absolute privilege for me to have transported him. He got out and with difficulty proceeded through the hospital doors and I turned around and was on my way to the office, with such a feeling of absolute bliss and so happy that I could have been of assistance, even in such a very small way, to one of the saints of God.

Even though we were from totally different culture groups and had never met before, the Spirit testified that we were family the minute we laid eyes on each other. What a joy to serve our Lord!

It made me feel very small to think that he probably, with his walking difficulty, had been walking all the way from the bus or train route for at least a kilometer or two and would have to walk back all that distance again, yet he did so faithfully and without complaint.

It also stirred my soul to know that there were indeed others who also ministered to the patients in that hospital as it is the same one where a little group of people, of whom I am but one small part, ministers on Sundays.

I will not forget him. Will you remember him in your prayers?

                   "The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of
                   God." Rom. 8:16

Thank You, Lord, for saints who, despite their age, infirmaties, difficulties, needs, are faithfully spreading the Gospel daily in accordance with your command. Help us to see the need and to recognise opportunities to do the same.

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